PLSM-B2/3N-MW 242505 EATON ELECTRIC Int. magnetotérmico, 3P+N, curva B, 2A Ver más grande
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PLSM-B2/3N-MW 242505 EATON ELECTRIC Int. magnetotérmico, 3P+N, curva B, 2A




Int. magnetotérmico, 3P+N, curva B, 2A

Disyuntor en miniatura (MCB), 2 A, 3p+N, característica: B

Disyuntor miniatura (MCB), PLSM, 3 polos+N, característica de disparo: B, corriente nominal In: 2 A, capacidad nominal de conmutación según IEC/EN 60898-1: 10 kA, Aparamenta para aplicaciones residenciales y comerciales

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Disyuntores, fusibles > Interruptor magnetotérmico

Aparamenta Modular – Industrial

* Producto nuevo en su embalaje original con todas las garantías y certificaciones de EATON-MOELLER

* Este artículo está obsoleto.

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Especificaciones generales

Product Name
Eaton Moeller series xPole - PLS6/M MCB
Catalog Number
Product Length/Depth
80 mm
Product Height
75 mm
Product Width
70 mm
Product Weight
0.432 kg
RoHS conform
Model Code

Programa de entrega

Number of poles
Three-pole + N
Number of poles (total)
Number of poles (protected)
Tripping characteristic
Release characteristic
Amperage Rating
2 A
  • Miniature circuit breaker
  • PLSM

Datos técnicos - eléctricos

Voltage type
Rated operational voltage (Ue) - max
400 V
Rated insulation voltage (Ui)
440 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)
4 kV
Frequency rating - min
50 Hz
Frequency rating - max
60 Hz
Rated switching capacity (IEC/EN 60898-1)
10 kA
Rated short-circuit breaking capacity (EN 60898) at 230 V
10 kA
Rated short-circuit breaking capacity (EN 60898) at 400 V
10 kA
Rated short-circuit breaking capacity (IEC 60947-2) at 230 V
0 kA
Rated short-circuit breaking capacity (IEC 60947-2) at 400 V
0 kA
Overvoltage category
Pollution degree

Datos técnicos - mecánicos

Width in number of modular spacings
Built-in depth
70.5 mm
Degree of protection
Connectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - min
1 mm²
Connectable conductor cross section (solid-core) - max
25 mm²
Connectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - min
1 mm²
Connectable conductor cross section (multi-wired) - max
25 mm²

Verificación del diseño según la norma IEC/EN 61439 - datos técnicos

Rated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In)
2 A
Heat dissipation per pole, current-dependent
0 W
Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent
4.3 W
Static heat dissipation, non-current-dependent
0 W
Heat dissipation capacity
0 W
Ambient operating temperature - min
-25 °C
Ambient operating temperature - max
75 °C

Verificación del diseño según la norma IEC/EN 61439

10.2.2 Corrosion resistance
Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures
Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat
Meets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects
Meets the product standard's requirements.
10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation
Meets the product standard's requirements.
10.2.5 Lifting
Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.
10.2.6 Mechanical impact
Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.
10.2.7 Inscriptions
Meets the product standard's requirements.
10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies
Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.
10.4 Clearances and creepage distances
Meets the product standard's requirements.
10.5 Protection against electric shock
Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.
10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components
Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.
10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections
Is the panel builder's responsibility.
10.8 Connections for external conductors
Is the panel builder's responsibility.
10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength
Is the panel builder's responsibility.
10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage
Is the panel builder's responsibility.
10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material
Is the panel builder's responsibility.
10.10 Temperature rise
The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.
10.11 Short-circuit rating
Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.
10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility
Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.
10.13 Mechanical function
The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.

Información adicional

Current limiting class
Concurrently switching N-neutral
Additional equipment possible
Special features
Ambient temperature hint: a 1 °C increase results in a 0.5% linear reduction of current carrying capacity
Used with
Miniature circuit breaker

ETIM for 242505 Disyuntores, fusibles (EC000042)
Característica Valor
Profundidad de instalación (EF000218) 70.5 mm
Curva de disparo (EF000889) B
Número de polos (total) (EF008618) 4
Número de polos protegidos (EF005548) 3
Corriente nominal (EF000227) 2 A
Tensión nominal (EF000228) 400 V
Tensión de aislamiento nominal Ui (EF001366) 440 V
Resistencia a picos de tensión asignada (Uimp) (EF011980) 4 kV
Poder de corte asignado Icn según EN 60898 a 230 V (EF009556) 10 kA
Tipo de tensión (EF000187) CA
Poder de corte asignado Icn según EN 60898 a 400 V (EF009555) 10 kA
Poder de corte asignado Icu según EN 60947-2 a 230 V (EF009557) 0 kA
Poder de corte asignado Icu según EN 60947-2 a 400 V (EF009558) 0 kA
Frecuencia (EF000416) 50 Hz
Clase de limitación de energía (EF002568) 3
Montaje empotrado (EF007517) No
Acoplamiento de conductor neutro (EF005997)
Categoría de sobretensión (EF002569) 3
Grado de contaminación (EF002570) 2
Equipos adicionales posibles (EF008148)
Ancho en número de espacios modulares (EF002950) 4
Grado de protección (IP) (EF005474) IP20
Temperatura ambiente durante el funcionamiento (EF007515) -25 °C
Sección de conductor conectable (EF007343) 1 mm²
Sección de conductor conectable sólido (EF007337) 1 mm²
Protección contra explosiones (EF004663) No

Datasheet - PDF

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