STI0,5(400/230) 046641 Y7-46641 EATON ELECTRIC Steuertransformator, 500 VA, 1-phasig, primär 400 V, sekundär.. Vergrößern
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STI0,5(400/230) 046641 Y7-46641 EATON ELECTRIC Steuertransformator, 500 VA, 1-phasig, primär 400 V, sekundär..





Steuertransformator, 500 VA, 1-phasig, primär 400 V, sekundär 230 V

Transformator, Steuerung; 500 VA; single-Phase; Primary: 400 V AC; Sekundär: 230 V AC

Eaton Moeller® series STI Control transformer, 0.5 kVA, Rated input voltage 400± 5 % V, Rated output voltage 230 V

Steuertransformator, Lieferprogramm: Einphasige Steuertransformatoren ST..., Grundfunktion: Einphasige Regel-, Trenn- und Sicherheitstransformatoren STI, STZ, Bemessungseingangsspannung: 400± 5 % V, Bemessungsausgangsspannung: 230 V, Nennleistung: 0,5 kVA, Kurzzeitleistung: 1,6 kVA, Schutzart: IP00, Normen Gebaut und geprüft nach: IEC/EN 61558-2-2/2-4/2-6, VDE 0570 Teil 2-2, VDE 0570 Teil 2‐6 (Sicherheitstransformatoren), VDE 0570 Teil 2-4 (Trenntransformator), Geeignet für: IEC/EN 60204-1, ÖVE-EN 13, VDE 0113, VDE 0100 Teil 410

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Niederspannungsschaltgeräte > Einphasen-Steuertransformator


* Neues Produkt in der Originalverpackung mit allen Garantien und Zertifizierungen von EATON-MOELLER

Gesamtpreis: $246.83
Stückpreis: $246.83

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Allgemeine Spezifikation

Product Name
Eaton Moeller® series STI Control transformer
Catalog Number
Product Length/Depth
120 mm
Product Height
119 mm
Product Width
121 mm
Product Weight
6.64 kg
UL Category Control No.: XPTQ2, XPTQ8
VDE 0570 Part 2-2
IEC/EN 61558-2-2/2-4/2-6
UL report applies to both US and Canada
Certified by UL for use in Canada
CSA-C22.2 No. 66.2-06
UL Recognized
IEC/EN 60204-1, ÖVE-EN 13
UL File No.: E167225
CSA-C22.2 No. 66
UL 506
UL 5085-2
VDE 0570 Part 2-4 (isolating transformer)
VDE 0570 Part 2‐6 (safety transformers)
CSA-C22.2 No. 66.1-06
IEC/EN 61558-2-2
VDE 0113, VDE 0100 Part 410
Catalog Notes
Electrical characteristics: all details for no-load loss, short-circuit loss (copper losses), short-circuit voltage and efficiency values relate to a temperature of 20 °C
Model Code


Single-phase control, isolating and safety transformer
Separate windings
Reinforced insulation
Fully Vacuum-impregnated
10.10 Temperature rise
The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.
10.11 Short-circuit rating
Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.
10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility
Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.
10.13 Mechanical function
The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.
10.2.2 Corrosion resistance
Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of thermal stability of enclosures
Meets the product standard's requirements. Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat
Meets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects
Meets the product standard's requirements.
10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation
Meets the product standard's requirements.
10.2.5 Lifting
Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.
10.2.6 Mechanical impact
Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.
10.2.7 Inscriptions
Meets the product standard's requirements.
10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies
Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.
10.4 Clearances and creepage distances
Meets the product standard's requirements.
10.5 Protection against electric shock
Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.
10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components
Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.
10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections
Is the panel builder's responsibility.
10.8 Connections for external conductors
Is the panel builder's responsibility.
10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength
Is the panel builder's responsibility.
10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage
Is the panel builder's responsibility.
10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material
Is the panel builder's responsibility.
Ambient operating temperature - max
40 °C
Ambient operating temperature - min
-25 °C
Apparent power
500 VA
Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent Pvid
0 W
Heat dissipation capacity Pdiss
0 W
Heat dissipation per pole, current-dependent Pvid
0 W
No-load losses
15 W
Primary voltage 1 - max
400 V
Primary voltage 1 - min
400 V
Primary voltage 10 - max
0 V
Primary voltage 10 - min
0 V
Primary voltage 2 - max
0 V
Primary voltage 2 - min
0 V
Primary voltage 3 - max
0 V
Primary voltage 3 - min
0 V
Primary voltage 4 - max
0 V
Primary voltage 4 - min
0 V
Primary voltage 5 - max
0 V
Primary voltage 5 - min
0 V
Primary voltage 6 - max
0 V
Built as
Safety transformer
Isolating transformer
Conductor material
Degree of protection
Connection lug
Yes for > 115 A
Connection type
Terminations, < 115 A
Duty factor
100 %
Insulation material type (IEC 85)
93 %
Relative short-circuit voltage
3.9 %
Suitable for
Branch circuits, (UL/CSA)
Insulation class
Primary tapping
± 5 %
Primary voltage 6 - min
0 V
Primary voltage 7 - max
0 V
Primary voltage 7 - min
0 V
Primary voltage 8 - max
0 V
Primary voltage 8 - min
0 V
Primary voltage 9 - max
0 V
Primary voltage 9 - min
0 V
Rated frequency - max
60 Hz
Rated frequency - min
50 Hz
Rated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In)
0 A
Rated power
0.5 VA
Secondary voltage 1 - max
230 V
Secondary voltage 1 - min
230 V
Secondary voltage 10 - max
0 V
Secondary voltage 10 - min
0 V
Secondary voltage 2 - max
0 V
Secondary voltage 2 - min
0 V
Secondary voltage 3 - max
0 V
Secondary voltage 3 - min
0 V
Secondary voltage 4 - max
0 V
Product category
Single-phase control transformers ST
Secondary voltage 4 - min
0 V
Secondary voltage 5 - max
0 V
Secondary voltage 5 - min
0 V
Secondary voltage 6 - max
0 V
Secondary voltage 6 - min
0 V
Secondary voltage 7 - max
0 V
Secondary voltage 7 - min
0 V
Secondary voltage 8 - max
0 V
Secondary voltage 8 - min
0 V
Secondary voltage 9 - max
0 V
Secondary voltage 9 - min
0 V
Short-circuit losses
24 W
Short-time rating
1.6 kVA
Static heat dissipation, non-current-dependent Pvs
39 W
Voltage rating - max
600 V
Power consumption in standby mode
7 W

ETIM for 046641 Niederspannungsschaltgeräte (EC002486)
Merkmal Wert
Ausgeführt als Sicherheits-Transformator (EF007235) Ja
Ausgeführt als Trenn-Transformator (EF007238) Ja
Ausgeführt als Spar-Transformator (EF007005) Nein
Primärspannung 1 (EF006125) 400 V
Primärspannung 2 (EF006126) 0 V
Primärspannung 3 (EF006127) 0 V
Primärspannung 4 (EF007410) 0 V
Primärspannung 5 (EF007411) 0 V
Primärspannung 6 (EF007412) 0 V
Primärspannung 7 (EF007413) 0 V
Primärspannung 8 (EF007414) 0 V
Primärspannung 9 (EF007415) 0 V
Primärspannung 10 (EF007409) 0 V
Sekundärspannung 1 (EF007472) 230 V
Sekundärspannung 2 (EF007474) 0 V
Sekundärspannung 3 (EF007475) 0 V
Sekundärspannung 4 (EF007476) 0 V
Sekundärspannung 5 (EF007477) 0 V
Sekundärspannung 6 (EF007478) 0 V
Sekundärspannung 7 (EF007479) 0 V
Sekundärspannung 8 (EF007480) 0 V
Sekundärspannung 9 (EF007481) 0 V
Sekundärspannung 10 (EF007473) 0 V
Bemessungsscheinleistung (EF008864) 500 VA
Leistungsaufnahme im Bereitschaftszustand (EF012331) 7 W
Isolierstoff-Klasse nach IEC 85 (EF007299) B
Kurzschlussfest (EF007332) Nein
Relative Kurzschlussspannung uk (EF007452) 3.9 %
Breite (EF000008) 121 mm
Höhe (EF000040) 119 mm
Tiefe (EF000049) 120 mm
Schutzart (IP) (EF005474) IP00
Ringkern (EF006170) Nein
Geeignet für Platinenmontage (EF006157) Nein
Geeignet für Reiheneinbau (EF001126) Nein
Leiter-Material (EF001622) Kupfer

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